Trees at Quail Lodge, Carmel Valley, California
Photo taken with the first Digital Hasselblad

Hello World

I am sharing this website here to humbly promote my own services and a very good and free website builder:

My name is Holger, 

I live in California, helping private clients with websites and stress-free productivity.

I started building websites professionally in 1996 in Berlin while working for on

At the end of 1999 I moved to the Monterey Peninsula; created websites from scratch with PHP and CSS, worked extensively in Wordpress, including custom plugins and themes, and find myself more and more settling into relaxed openness:

"Simple can be harder than complex: you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."

Steve Jobs

Tools, Habits, Attitudes

In general I am not interested in selling simply for the sake of money; life is just too precious.

Having your own website is only one puzzle piece, but a potentially  important one: clarify your niche, your focus, your story, your call to action.

A website can be an excellent commitment device to feel things out, to test the waters, to explore where you want to go... or to simply share and see what happens.

$12 Websites

$12 is the current price per year in the US for a .com custom domain name via

The website itself is hosted for free via

Free Resources:

12 minute video about choosing

How to Make a FREE WEBSITE in 10 - 30 Minutes (Google Sites Tutorial for Beginners)

Free images for your website:

Free icons:

Amazing Free Project Management Tool:

In the upper right column I am providing sufficient information for you to create your own free website. If at any point you feel bored, stuck or overwhelmed, please don't hesitate reaching out to me: 

My hourly rate is $60. 

Assuming that you have your materials together (text, images and domain name) we could meet via Zoom and set up your site probably within one hour; but we would need to be very focused.

In general, depending on your level of preparedness we should be able to develop your humble website within 2 - 6 hours. 

I am happy to help: 

send me an email

give me a call

(831) 275-0747.